Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev addressed the military in Shusha

Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev addressed the military in Shusha

(Shusha, November 8, 2021)– President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev greeted the military and the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played.

Mr. President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev, addressing the military, said:
- Dear military, I congratulate you, all the personnel of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces and all the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of Victory Day. First of all, I ask that the memory of our martyrs who died heroically for the Motherland be commemorated with a minute of silence.
May God have mercy on all our martyrs.

Today we celebrate Victory Day in Shusha, on the Jidir Duzu plain. All of Azerbaijan celebrates this glorious holiday. Azerbaijan has restored its territorial integrity and restored historical justice. We fulfilled our historical mission by driving the enemy out of our native lands. In 44 days, Azerbaijan won a historic victory by destroying all the fortifications and military positions built by Armenia for 30 years, destroying the Armenian army. This glorious holiday was given to our people by you and tens of thousands of our soldier like you.

The Second Karabakh War is a bright page in our glorious history. The people of Azerbaijan have mobilized all their forces and fulfilled this glorious mission.

Victory Day is our holiday. This is the holiday of Victory, this is the holiday of bravery, this is the holiday of justice, this is the holiday of national pride, the holiday of national dignity. We have restored our dignity. From now on, we will live forever as a victorious country and a victorious nation. From now on we will live forever in Karabakh and Zangazur. If any force in Armenia despises us, if it engages in any revanchist tendencies, it will see our fist. Our fist is in place.

Dear friends, dear people of Azerbaijan!

I would like to congratulate you once again on this glorious holiday. I wish the Azerbaijani Army new victories and the Azerbaijani people new success.

Love to the Azerbaijani Army, love to the Azerbaijani people. Karabakh is ours, Karabakh is Azerbaijan!

After the meeting with the military, Mr. President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva planted trees on the Jidir Duzu plain as part of a nationwide planting campaign of 44,000 trees in honor of the 44 days that led our people to the great Victory.

Measures taken to restore the ecological balance in the liberated areas include the Topkhana forest. As part of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation's project, volunteers of the "Regional Development" Public Union also planted a tree in the Topkhana forest.
